Displaying your Flowers to Sell

You’ve picked the best time possible to pick your flowers for your customers.

You’ve conditioned them to give them the longest vase life.

But how are you going sell them to your customers?

If you go to a traditional Wholesale market like New Covent Garden Market in London, then the flowers will be displayed en-masse in large bunches (known as wraps) usually wrapped in plastic.

If you go to a Florists shop they are likely to be stems in buckets themed by colour

Local florists shop

Local florists shop

If you’re selling flowers as a supermarket, then you’ll be bunching your flowers, and wrapping, selling from displays, usually near the doorway.

How are you going to display your flowers?

Will you wrap them? If so in what?

Will you bunch them? Will it always be the same number in a bunch?

Here’s some Videos to show you about my presentation at Plantpassion.

This one shows how I make up market bouquets

And this is our Gift bouquet presentation