Market or Market style flowers

These market flowers are a lower priced bouquet, and the trick to making sure you can sell these at a profit is to have lots of inexpensive filler flowers, and not as many focals.

market bouquets.jpg

These are going to be made up to sell at Farm shops, or at market stalls, or as a lower priced item to sell from the farm gate. The key to making these profitable is to make them to a formula, quickly and simply, you are unlikely to be able to make a profit if you make these using florist quality bought in flowers in wraps

Questions you need to be asking yourself

  1. What is the minimum number of these that you will be making at a time - and the maximum

  2. How long will you spend picking the flowers, conditioning them, and making them up?

  3. How will you be presenting the bouquet?

  4. Will you be delivering the bouquet? Individually or in one Job lot to a shop?

  5. How will customers place their order with you and pay for it?

  6. What profit do i want to make?

Here’s how we make them up and then i’ll take you through the pricing.

So the key point about these lower priced bouquets is that they have less focal flowers, and more of the less expensive filler/ secondary flowers and foliage.

I work out my pricing as follows

Focal Flowers x 1 @80p

Spire x 3 @ 50p

Secondary flowers x 6 @ 40p

Foliage x 9 @ 30p

total = £7.40

plus 10p for paper wrap and tie = £7.50

I usually make a minimum of 6 at a time. Maximum 20

6 bouquets = 120(ish) stems will take 45 mins to pick

20 bouquets = 380 (ish) stems will take 2 hours to pick

6 bouquets can be made up by one person in 40 mins

20 bouquets can be made up by 2 people together in 40mins